Tuesday, March 25, 2008

The Salmon Family Trio 2008

Cali, Scotty, and I are excited to announce that Scott was accepted into a Residency in Urology at Garden city Hospital. Scott will be graduating from Medical school this May and then we are packing up to move to Michigan for five years! We will miss family so much, but we are excited for this upcoming adventure.
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The Caple Crew said...

YAY! I am so happy to see that you are back on here updating! Congratulations about moving and being accepted!!!

Emily said...

I am so glad that you found my blog. I love yours and the pictures of your family and your little girl are beautiful. It's so cool, my husband is a Scotty too. And, he's from Michigan. His whole family lives there. We try to visit every year, so maybe we'll get a chance to visit you once you move. Best wishes as you move and I'll check your blog often.

Michelle Price said...

I found you! So all that talk about you setting up a blog and you already had one! What's goin' on? I'm glad I tracked you down! So you're moving day is getting closer--are you so excited?

Amber said...

Your blog is looking so cute! Congratulations on Michigan :-)

Kirstin said...

Jenny!!!!!!! I am so glad you found my blog! I didn't know your new last name so at first I thought your comment was some weird person and I would have to "go private" with my blog, but now that I know it is you I am so excited! Your little family is incredibly darling. It is amazing to see your friends grow and develop in such happy ways. Congrats on your husband graduating! Michigan is so far away, though. And just when Shiloh and I are getting ready to move to Arizona! Bummer... I'll be checking your blog often, though. Thanks for looking me up!