Friday, July 17, 2009

The Salmon update.........

Yeah, I am so excited to be out of our tiny apartment and into what we call a house. We are happy to report that we are settled and most boxes are unpacked. Hopefully this home will be ours to rent for the next four years of our lives. More pics will be posted once I actually decorate inside.

Cali has been just growing more and more each day. She listens to her mother some of the time, but has gotten a lot better now that she understands more and now that I can understand what she is trying to tell me more. She loves to play with Isaac, more than I would like because she tends to smother him, but today it was sooo cute to see Isaac cracking up when Cali was dancing around the room. She loves to help her mom clean around the house and loves her new bed. Potty training is coming next and I am not sure I am quite ready for that one. Any suggestions?

Isaac had his six month check up and is a healthy 20 pounder who has recently gotten two bottom teeth within a week. They just popped right in and Isaac didn't seem to mind at all. It was amazing. He is quite a good little squirt and is now sleeping through most of the night with an actual bed time! Yes! Can I say halelujah!


Brittni Schroeder Photography said...

Sooo cute!

Zack Family said...

I cant believe how much he is looking like Cali even more now. Im excited about your house. Im sure you're LOVING the room. Miss you! Loves.

Michelle Price said...

Jen, they are both so cute! I love that last picture of your little man. Good luck with the potty training thing. It is fun. I have gone through it twice now with my boys, but I have heard girls are easier so maybe it won't be so bad. My only advice--go cold turkey. Don't mess around with using the potty while still in a diaper, or using pull-ups or anything. Just tell her she's done with diapers and ready to be a big girl. I think that is the best and easiest way to do it.
Congrats on the house. I want to see more pirtures!

Sara Cotter said...

Hey Jen, I think Issac looks like you. Anyways I think it's funny when you say "and into what we call a house." I'm curious what do other people call it. Your first picture made me laugh because it looks like a family picture of you with your kids and I was thinking since when did she get an older boy. The house is so cute. I love it. I love how it looks from the outside and the kitchen looks great too. You have to post more pictures.

Lolly Soulier said...

I love that picture of Isaac! I'm so excited for you guys to have more room.

Megan said...

Yay for space!!! My only advice on potty-training is Valium - and lots of it!:) Glad you're getting comfy in your new home and getting a good night's sleep is excellent! Way cute pics!

The Caple Crew said...

I can't believe how much Isaac looks like Cali! They are both adorable!
And the house is WAY NICE! It's going to be nice to be in a big house and have all that room! (You will grow out of it SO FAST! We've been in our home for a year and already have run out of room)